
New Blog and Web Site

This blog was started in Barcelona in 2005 to explore different ways to share content with students in the classroom, and also to share pictures and short stories with friends living in far away places. It was used at the language center of the University of Cantabria in Santander, where I taught between 2006 and 2008. Students didn't bring laptops at the time, so we used an LDC projector on a white board and a "lab" with computers.

As an anecdote, a professional in communications who worked at UNICAN said sometime in 2007, that blogging was not appropriate in universities, where information should be one-way only. "Information is power", she said. Well, some things have changed and people learn faster now, self-organizing their own personal learning networks (PLNs), embarked in participatory learning by doing and also sharing on the internet. Digital literacy has extended quite a bit, even in traditional places like the Academia in Spain, where too many years of history, tenure and misuse of resources in many cases still are a heavy ballast. In my practice with in-company classes and private students, every participant is actually "hands-on" working with his or her own device, while we interact and blogs and wikis which are personalized.

It's been some time since I moved to Oviedo now ... and it was about time to integrate some of my different public digital patches here and there. So here is: the new mentalsys microweb and blog ...and also mentalsys in Facebook.

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